Sunday, September 15, 2013

Shade in the Valley

I probably should have used a bigger brush.  However, I wanted to be outside painting rather than in my studio, so I had my cotman travel set and the niji waterbrushes, not the larger flat brushes.  The cool shadows below the tree did not turn out the way I intended, but I think the final effect was quite pleasing.

                                      Watercolor on 120lbs paper 9x12

This is the first painting with my modified cotman set.  I finally, after much internal debating, swapped out some of the pan colors that came with set (that I do not use) for other student grade paints.  I say student grade because I have made the leap (finally) to more expensive artist grade watercolor paints.  They should arrive in a week.  I will use them both in the studio and as my new, customizable travel Pocket Palette.  I can hardly wait.

1 comment:

  1. I love, love , love this one! Awesome colors. My favorite palette of blues and purples.

